Well, the title might be misleading. There is nothing like the perfect overlanding vehicle. The first step in building an overlanding vehicle is to build a perfect vehicle for your needs and budget. Every owner of an overlanding rig can attest that comments by others will always include, “now you must just add this, or you should have done that, or fitted so and so product.” Everyone has different requirements, and we should not judge others’ vehicles.

Watch the YouTube video of the Bushguru Buffalo below, showing how I thought my perfect overlanding vehicle should be. It took two years of planning, watching countless YouTube videos, and nine months of building. I have made many mistakes and would do certain things differently. For many, the vehicle might be too big or too luxurious. The one thing I think I got right is the weight distribution, extending the vehicle to put the most weight between the axles.

The second most important point is to research suppliers and outfitters. These vehicles and equipment are not cheap. To have gone through all the effort and cost of a large build just to experience a catastrophic breakdown because of bad workmanship is not fun. I have done several builds and custom designs and would happily give some pointers. I also offer consulting and project management services if you plan on building a vehicle in Cape Town, South Africa, but live abroad.