Our Signature Adventure

The Namakwa 4×4 Eco Trail is our signature self-drive adventure. The adventure starts on a Saturday wild camp on Verneukpan and ends the following Saturday at Hondeklip Bay. The Eco Trail takes you through the Namakwa Communal areas from Pofadder through the Richtersveld to the West Coast. The route is one of South Africa’s hidden gems, and only ten vehicles are allowed on it at a time, making it truly exclusive. You can extend your trip by crossing into Southern Namibia or traveling down the West Coast.

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Ceder Mountain Astrophotography Workshop - Full Moon

Spend an evening in the magestical Ceder Mountain during full moon and take that perfect moon shot you always struggled with. 

Tankwa Astrophotography Workshop - New Moon

Join fellow photographers and experiment with different camera settings imaging the expanse of our Universe in the beautiful Tankwa Karoo, far away from city lights.

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